Friday, May 8, 2009

Jakarta: More friends from hotel and work

Some more furry, feathered and six-legged buddies of mine. They can easily take my boredom away!

Junonia hedonia butterfly

Mimosa pudica flower - Putri malu in Indonesian, meaning shy girl.

Male Hypolimna misippus butterfly.

Lycaenid hairstreak butterfly (I'll have to identify...)

Melanitis leda

My old friend from last year - dirty, hungry and with cat-fight marks. You can go back to my older posts and see how he was a year ago. He had a can of tuna that day.

Sooty-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus aurigaster)

White heron

Relaxing before work...
Carrying wood.

Mommy cat at work with its kids below.
Stump-tailed cat. You'll come across many short- or crooked- or no-tailed cats in Indonesia. At first I thought that cruel people had inflicted these, but I read somewhere on the net that it's a genetic variance of inbreeding.
The youngest one with the big eyes and white whiskers.

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